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Summary of Mutual Fund Basics

Summary of Mutual Fund Basics

Mutual funds are a convenient way to invest in stocks, bonds, and other securities. The main advantage of using mutual funds over buying individual securities is that a mutual fund is a professionally managed portfolio. A mutual fund provides diversification of your investment over several securities held within the fund's portfolio. You can also choose funds based upon their investment objectives and how those objectives match your own.

If you are new to investing, or don't have the time and inclination to research and manage a portfolio on your own, you might consider comparing the benefits and costs of mutual funds for your investment objectives.

Practical Ideas I Can Start With Today

  • Research a variety of mutual funds based on my investment objectives and my risk tolerance.

What You Have Learned

  1. What Is a Mutual Fund and How Does It Work?
  2. Diversification in Mutual Funds
  3. Do-It-Yourself Mutual Fund Investing
  4. Mutual Fund Management

Find out what you have learned